Three Signs That Indicate Your Vehicle Needs An Auto Brake Repair Service

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As far as vehicle safety is involved, your car brakes are perhaps the most critical components. Thus, it is essential to ensure that your braking system is in optimum condition at all times. If your brakes are not adequately maintained, it is pretty easy for the braking system to fail when you need it most, and thus you could end up causing an accident.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not know when to schedule an auto brake repair service. As a result, they usually wait until their brakes fail before considering brake repair services on their braking system.

However, a car will often give you signs that let you know it's time to schedule brake repairs. With that in mind, here are three signs that let you know it's time to get your brake system serviced.

Poor Brake Pedal Response 

When you step on the brake pedal, you should feel some resistance from it before the vehicle begins to slow down. However, if you step on the brake pedal, but it feels spongy, i.e., the pedal provides no resistance to your foot, then there is an issue with the braking system.

In some cases, it could be that there is a leak or presence of air or in the brake line. A leak or air in the brake line reduces brake performance, and thus the brake pedal feels soft and provides inadequate response when applied.

When you notice your brake pedal getting softer every time you apply the brakes, it is high time to get your brakes repaired before you get into an accident. The brake repair service may include fixing the leak or flushing the brake fluid to remove air and moisture.

Vibrations When Braking

If you apply your brakes and suddenly feel the brake pedal or steering wheel vibrate, it means that your rotor(s) have warped. Warping occurs when a brake rotor overheats, resulting in the surface of the rotor becoming deformed. Thus, the vibration you feel results from the rough rotor surface rubbing against the brake pads.

Thus, if you feel your steering wheel or brake pedal vibrate during braking, it is high time you take your vehicle to an auto brake repair shop. The repair service will typically involve rotor skimming, where the rotors get scrubbed to remove their rigidity and reinstate their smooth surface.

Burning Smell When Braking

A burning smell while braking means that your brakes have overheated. In such a scenario, it is advisable to stop driving immediately and let your brakes cool down. If you continue driving with overheating brakes, it is pretty easy for the braking fluid to boil, resulting in complete brake failure.  

Hence, if your notice the smell of burning brake fluid, you need to seek an auto brake repair technician to fix the issue before complete brake failure occurs.

If you notice any of these signs, contact a local auto shop for brake repair.
